About Our Podcast

Any man over 40 and going through a divorce or having going through a divorce can definitely score some knowledge with these podcasts.

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The Only Podcast I Want To Listen To

David M. Webb

When I launched my podcast last month, the working title was 'Divorce Recovery Men Over 40 Podcast.' As a divorced man over 40 myself, I wanted to create a space to discuss the unique challenges we face during this transition. However, over time I realized the title was too limiting and literal. Just because we are men over 40 recovering from divorce, does not mean that fully defines us or the topics relevant to our healing.


So I decided to rebrand with the new name ‘Don’t Pick the Scab Podcast.' This metaphorical title better captures the mindset many men have after a painful divorce. When we were young boys with skinned knees or elbows, we couldn't seem to let the scab fully form before picking at it again. Though it lengthened the healing process and usually led to re-injury, we did it anyway. In the same compulsive way, men going through the agony of divorce struggle to build back our sense of self before scratching at unresolved feelings about the split. We replay events to assign blame, dwell in anger and regret, or try to numb our discomfort.


The name ‘Don’t Pick the Scab’ is a reminder to men over 40 recovering from divorce that we must discipline ourselves to let our wounds close. We can discuss our injuries but in a healing way, not one that reopens them. This podcast aims to support that complete recovery process.

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From a woman’s view - Rachel Peterson / My co-host on Divorce Devil Podcast || Don’t Pick the Scab Podcast #046 || David
July 19, 2024x
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From a woman’s view - Rachel Peterson / My co-host on Divorce Devil Podcast || Don’t Pick the Scab Podcast #046 || David

I’ve been waiting for the right moment to record this special episode. We were recording the 183rd episode of Divorce Devil Podcast yesterday and I surprised Rachel with the request to do an episode on DPTSP, and she quickly jumped on the chance without hesitation. I just wanted a few things that m...

The Ultimate Relationship Threesome - Chantal Landreville || Don’t Pick the Scab Podcast || David
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The Ultimate Relationship Threesome - Chantal Landreville || Don’t Pick the Scab Podcast || David

Where do I start without giving away the contents from the title? Welcome, Chantal to the podcast. Her book, RAISE YOUR LOVE SIGNAL, deals with some of the challenges men over 40 man and/or will encounter during or after their divorce. Her teachings are just for a new significant other - but it wor...

No One Talks about Divorce Fight Club - Karl Dunn || Don’t Pick the Scab Podcast 044 || David
July 05, 2024x
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No One Talks about Divorce Fight Club - Karl Dunn || Don’t Pick the Scab Podcast 044 || David

Where do I start? What does a divorced or divorcing gay man over 40 have in common with a divorced or divorcing straight man? After interviewing Karl Dunn - quite a bit. Karl comes to us to discuss the plight of gay men's divorce - with quite a bit of similarities and few differences. His ability t...


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