Bill Simpson has been a professional coach for over 20 years and has seen his share of clients struggling through or after divorce. His superpower is helping men be the best versions of themselves. His insights come from having mostly women clients. They gave him insight into what they were looking for from a man in a relationship. Discussing men’s lack of empathy and vulnerability, being a better listener, taking a pause before responding, a love mission, taking time to be kinder to ourselves, and a divorce sometimes being worse than a death - my podcast with Bill creates and opens more conversations and thoughts down the road. I must get him back on the show to get deeper with a few topics. Enjoy.
Topics touched on:
Being ok with yourself
It takes two (Not Rob Base)
Not repeating the same patterns
Be open to change
Letting go is hard
The hat-trick of divorces
Reality is in the eye of the receiver
Men suck at communication
Affirmations are cool, but don’t forget to acknowledge and accept the pain
Focus on the kids
No bashing the ex in front of the kids
Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.